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  • Top 10 Common Mistakes When You Meet a Girl

    By Ermine Harte

    Imagine: here she comes, the one, everything in her is as you like. Oops! Panic: What do I need to say? What to do? She’s passing by, and you decide to do something. Wait! First, hold the list, what NOT to do:
    Either out of excitement or out of a desire to appear as an “alpha male”, you loudly check out her ass or legs. She will hardly even look at you after this.
    You throw yourself on one knee in front of her and read something from Shakespeare. For sure, she will tell friends about this case at a party, and it will be a scary story for her.
    I don’t know what courses they teach this, but all these cheap tricks are like: “Call the police! “It’s a crime to be so beautiful!” and the NLP tricks are counted one or two times. The methods make you banal too, and that’s not exactly what she’s interested in.
    Maybe that’s your character, but this is exactly the case when you have to overcome yourself. You can go straight to her and say, “I’m very timid, but for your sake I’ll try to get over the tightness.”
    Yeah, she might be married or not in the mood. And she has the right to say, “No.” The world won’t collapse after that, but you tried. Because she can also say “Yes.”
    Yeah, you’re breaking into her private space. It’s polite to apologize for that, but no more. You’ll show that you respect her, but you need to be more confident.
    If you want to cause aggression in a girl, gently touch her waist or any other part of the body. And then she’ll call the police.
    Let’s say you managed to get her attention. She looks at you and there’s only silence from you. It’s quite unlikely that she’ll decide to ask herself out.
    So you read articles in men’s magazines and realized that girls like those real brutal guys. With the persistence of a maniac, you try to show her confidence, rudeness and testosterone. Even if it’s already clear that “no.” As a result: you don’t understand why she speeds up and then goes on the run.
    You somehow broke through her social networks and became her very loyal follower. If you think this is perceived as a step on your part, you’re wrong. There are special applications and sites on the internet with their secrets and rules
    There are so many girls, so many opportunities to interest them and also to disappoint them. I know even more ways to make a successful acquaintance. In doing so, you don’t have to resort to manipulation or become someone else. For consultations, I make recommendations that work for you!
    What’s your biggest problem when you meet girls? Write in comments, I will tell you how to solve it!

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